
Feb 24, 2008


I had to search all over for this information, so I stole a little
here, borrowed a little there, and made up what I couldn't find, to get
it all in one place.

Hopefully, this will save everyone some time.

First, this is PE version 2.0, and earlier versions will not work. I do
not/will not work with BartPE, so I haven't a clue what needs to be
done in that environment.

Your USB and the port it is using must be USB 2.0. I don't know if USB 1.0 will work slowly, or not at all.

I'm assuming you've created a bootable PE Version 2.0 CD.

I used the drive letters that my computer assigned to the devices. Yours may be different.

C:=local hard drive

D:=CD/DVD drive

E:=USB Thumb drive

X:=PE's RAM disk

You need to assure that you select the proper disks, as you will be
erasing and formatting the thumb drive. I will not be responsible for
any data loss or woes you encounter!

You'll need MagicISO, to extract all folders and files (including
hidden files) from your CD to a file on your C: drive (I used

(You probably already have these files in a folder, somewhere... you
needed to use them to create the ISO. If not, extract them before you
boot the PE CD).

Boot your PE version 2.0 CD

type these commands:

disk part

select disk 1 (this was my USB drive. type in "detail disk" to be sure you've selected the USB drive)

clean (you are erasing the selected disk. I hope you got it right!)

create partition primary

select partition 1


format fs=fat32 (this takes a while)



You're now back at the command prompt, and need to copy the files from
the folder you created on your hard drive to the USB drive.

xcopy c:\bootusb\*.* e: /h /e (this also takes a while)

You can't copy the files from the RAM drive, as they're in use by PE

I don't think (but haven't tried) you can copy them from the CD, as they're compressed... (?)

Good luck, and I hope to have saved someone a bit of trouble figuring this out.


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