
Feb 24, 2008

Yahoo Chat Cheats

hi there are some yahoo chat cheats mostly work in chat rooms.

/help calls up the help file

/cls clears the screen

/save saves the current chat session transcript

/leave exits current room

/join roomname joins roomname

/goto username joins the chat room that username is currently in

/follow username user will follows username whenever the user changes rooms

/think text posts text in this format "oO(text)"

/tell username text -- allows you to send a text to username with opening a window

/invite username invites username to the current room

/webcam starts your webcam

/version displays the program version

/version username sends the program version to username

/time shows the time

/roll number rolls the number of dice

/logoff closes the client

/ignore add username will add username to your ignore list

/ignore remove username will remove username from your ignore list


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