
Nov 30, 2008

Defragmentation process generally takes long time as the process analysis your complete drive or partion which are huge most of the time. Imagine defragmenting a drive of 200GB but with degraggler you can save lot of time as it allows you to select files to defrag.

How defraggler is useful ?

Lets say you add a new file to a drive and the drive was de fragmented 2-3 days back. Now if you plan to de frag the complete drive again it will cost you much time, instead Defraggler also allows you to select any particular file or folder and defrag it. Saves time and power both. Moreover it works on Windows 2000, 2003, XP and Vista. 64-bit .

Defrag Selected Files

Defrag Selected Files

Other way of selecting files is just analyze the drive and switch to Files tab in the application. You would see the list of all files with file size listed. Now depending on your choice you can select the files using checkbox and then defragment it.  Read more on Defraggler features


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