Dec 8, 2008
Free path is a windows freeware which allows you to drag and drop almost anything and convert into a playlist which looks similar to your music play list. Yes when say drag and drop anything I mean it. You can drop right from your power point presentations to any web url.
The most useful place to use Freepath could be any online presntation you want to give and you need a mix match of all types of media and web sites. Through this you can just set the files in sequence and run it on a full screen show.
It also connects to online services like photobucket, flickr, slide and supports l formats of documents like Microsoft word etc.
Free path also has a social network with them. This allows you to share and connect to people and show off your play list and presentation. The scope has no limit. You can expand your business and make really pro friends and if you dont want just enjoy using it !! Try Freepath
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