
Dec 17, 2008

iCloud is a cloud computing service which gives you a free 3Gb space with lots of applications including mail and messenger services. You can imagine this as almost a virtual computer where almost everything is configurable . Here is snapshot which you can click to see an enlarged view to start with

iCloud: How it looks after first login

iCloud: How it looks after first login

iCloud Control Panel

The looks are closer to Vista Desktop where you have lots of gadgets and stylish sidebars and all. You can connect to mail services which support IMAP. You have even a control panel and settings to configure your own cloud OS. Have a look

iCloud Control Panel

iCloud Control Panel

iCloud Desktop wallpaper changer

iCloud Desktop wallpaper changer

iCloud Desktop wallpaper changer

iCloud Drive explorer

You have even access to your cloud drive which allows you to manage all the applications and files in tree like structure i.e. like windows explorer things.

iCloud Drive

iCloud Drive

In this iCloud there are huge numbers of small and big applications are supported like notepad, RSS reader, Media Player, Their own social networking, mail, photos and presentations and more. There are lot of widgets alos availble which you can use on the sidebar.

iCloud Application List

Icloud Applications

Icloud Applications

iCloud Mail Settings

iCloud mail settings

iCloud mail settings

iCloud Sidebar widgets

iCloud Widgets

iCloud Widgets

iCloud Menu

Then we have a start menu like structure available here. Which are divided into applications , system and search menu.

iCloud Menu System

iCloud Menu System

iCloud is a product of Xcerion which aims to distribute an Internet OS with accompanying applications free as a massive service over the Internet. The advantage you get here is you don’t pay for any of the softwares available in the iCloud OS


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